According to a study commissioned by Israel´s Central Bureau of Statistics, 14% of Israelis
aged 20 and over – an estimated 550,000 people – have refrained from buying food in
the past year due to financial difficulties. This means that even families that can afford
some food might still skip a meal or two a day for lack of money.
The parents may not be able to pay for school lunches or have adequate food at home
to send along. Children thus go hungry for most of the day, and find it hard to learn and
play. They are also overcome with jealousy as they stare wide-eyed at classmates´
lunches while their stomachs growl with hunger.
Jerusalem Open House brings technology to the rescue with a dignified, hi-tech solution.
We place and maintain vending machines that are refilled with delicious sandwiches a
number of times daily. These machines are situated in 5 strategic locations frequented by
Jerusalem´s children on their way to school.
Needy families are provided with electronic vending machine cards. These cards are
either entirely FREE or offer a minimal payment, based on need. Children can make a
quick stop at one of our vending machines, swipe their little card, and presto – a fresh,
ready-to-go sandwich is dispensed. It´s that simple. And that monumental.
Sandwiches at a Swipe
"Before our Rav introduced us to Jerusalem Open House, my dear boys were among the
19 percent of Jewish Israeli children skipping at least one meal at least once a week.
Now, thanks to your ingenious sandwich vending machines, they have lunch for school
every day. May you accrue the merits of their torah learning."

– Mattis R.